Wednesday 4 June 2014

Welcome to my diary of Model Expo 2014

This will be my pictorial journey.... with a little text, through The Australian Model Expo 2014. All the way from setting up tables to pulling the place apart at the end. In between I hope to see some awesome models, take lots and lots of pictures, and write a little about the show.

The idea will be to do as many posts per day that I can. So if you can't make it to expo, or were thinking of not coming then this is the way you can see what you missed out on.

Friday morning early my partner in crime BT and I will hit the road for Springvale. The first pictures will be posted at this point. As I said this will be a pictorial journey with some text....right now I need to go finish packing up the seemingly 90 tonnes of gear to take...

I welcome you on board and hope you stay for the ride...... back soon.
Mic B

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